Fresh look and fresh ideas

You may have noticed the site looks a little different. I haven't liked my design since I first launched my site. The biggest thing preventing me from updating it was my development workflow was non-existent. Drag and dropping into an FTP client sucks. However, I recently got back into Wordpress development for a client. I spent a lot of time researching best practice workflows as I wanted to be able to deploy changes quickly. I found a great workflow and applied everything I learned straight onto my own site. [Basically set up and configure Wordmove alongside MAMP or VVV. It is amazing. It makes promoting changes super easy. Read this article here on how to get yourself set up.]
Other than updating the site I've been doing a lot of research around branding recently and it really made me thinking about what is the brand of myself and this site. My articles in the past have been a mix of 'how tos', advice and and sarcastic rants. I've never thought of my brand and what I want to achieve. I've mainly written to what I thought would appeal to Google (aside from rants). That quite evidently hasn't been overly exciting for me, so I am changing tack.
Looking at the 12 character archetypes (i.e. creator, explorer, magician etc..., I'll write about this another time) I personally fall into the creator archetype. I love innovating and building things. I love learning so I can use it to innovate and build things. That is my jam. However I think I've been trying to position myself more into a caregiver space which isn't what motivates me. I think this has lead to my lack of posting here. I enjoy writing but I felt like I had to write a how to article and they are rather dull to write. The world doesn't need another instruction or how to article. It needs new ideas, innovation and concepts.
I've recently moved into a more senior role at Compassion. I'm heading up a Content Marketing and Analytics team which I'm very excited about. My team is also the custodians of all of the marketing channels, i.e. all social, email, advertising, search etc. It is a new space (for us) that my manager and I want to get seriously into and be disciplined with. Expect to read things about my forays into the Content Marketing world.
Anyway I'm going to write what I want now and not really care about what Google thinks or what people want. Plus I like my new design.